Tuesday 16 April 2013

The City of Port of Spain

                                                 The City of Port of Spain

Port of Spain is the capital city of Trinidad and Tobago. It is located on the Gulf of Paria on the Northwest coast of Trinidad. The city of Port of Spain is a retail and administrative center and has been the capital of Trinidad since 1757. Port of Spain is also an important financial service center for the Caribbean.
This picture of Port of Spain was taken from one of One Woodbrook's Place Buildings, the picture only shows half of the capital city. From this aerial view of the city, the city appears to be very peaceful it is very difficult to see the hustle and bustle that takes place in the city. You have to look very closely to see what is actually going on in the city below. this is why I like this picture of the city because you are just looking at the structure of the city and not what goes on in the city.

The Hyatt Regency Trinidad

                                                  The Hyatt Regency Trinidad

The Hyatt Regency Trinidad is close to the Brian Lara Promenade, Adam Smith Square and the Queen's Park Oval. The Hyatt is also nearby to Movietown and The Queen's Park Savannah. 
This picture of the Hyatt was Taken at night. I find this picture very beautiful seeing the lights on each of the floors of the hotel. The lights add extra beauty to the skyscraper in the city. The lights in the picture also make the city of Port of Spain look ten times brighter than it the night is in the city of Port of Spain.

Temple in the Sea

                                                     Temple in the Sea

The Temple in the Sea was constructed in 1947 by an Indian labourer named Seedas Sadhu. The first Temple in the Sea built was demolished by the government because the temple was built on state owned lands. Sadhu did not deterred from hid goal of constructing a temple instead he constructed another Temple in the Sea, this time building  it in the sea freeing him from having to get the permission o  the government or anyone else to construct the temple. Sadhu built the Temple in the Sea with just a bicycle and a leather bag, he transported to complete the main structure. The temple was built in an octagonal, one story structure. Being built on the ocean the structure was completed. However to commerate the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Indians to the country, the Sadhu temple was completed by the government. A pier was added to the temple to make it easily accessible to the public.
Today the Temple in the Sea is visited by many Hindus for various religious ceremonies such as wedding, burials and puja. The temple is also a tourist attraction for people visiting the country.
I find the story behind the construction of the Temple in the Sea to be very interesting. Seedas Sadhu had a goal in mind to construct a temple and he did not let anyone stop him from completing his goal. Seedas Sadhu was a true architect, he believe that he could construct the temple and he did with nothing more than his bicycle and leather. I admire his determination in completing the tasks of constructing the temple because an problem he encountered. He didn't give up instead he found a way in which he would not be breaking any laws and constructed the Temple in the Sea which is today one of Trinidad main attractions.


Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Twin Towers

                                                         The Twin Towers

The magnificent Twin Towers of Trinidad and Tobago shadows the hustle and bustle of the many street dwellers of the capital city, Port of Spain. The twenty two (22) storyed structure houses the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Trinidad and Tobago. It has one of the finest architecture being earthquake resistant having been built on reclaimed land. The construction of the twin towers started in 1979 and was completed in 1986 and was crowned the tallest buildings in Trinidad. I remember when I was much younger what the Twin Towers meant to me. The Twin Towers were my landmark so I knew I was in the capital city Port of Spain, even today they remain my landmark. The Twin Towers although there has been construction of many more skyscrapers in Port of Spain, the Twin Towers still remain one of the most recognized buildings in the city.

The Natural Beauty of the Island.

                                                  The Natural Beauty of the Island.

I couldn't resist but to capture this picture. It depicts the natural beauty of our twin island state with the capital city Port of Spain in the background. This picture reflects the calmness of the environment away from the busy city life. When this picture was taken all I could think to myself was this is true beauty and I would never think that this peaceful environment would be on the outskirts of the capital city. It reassures you that you can always escape from the hustle and bustle of the city because there is a lot more out there beyond the walls of the city.

The Bus Route on Mornings

                                                 The Bus Route on Mornings

Everyday as the light changes from green to red. I bare witness to this vast amount of traffic heading into the capital city of Port of Spain every morning. Its really amazing how a simple traffic light can cause the traffic to gather and disperse in the blink of an eye. It really makes you think how our very small country that is barely a dot on the world map can have this large amount of traffic that is there in one second and gone in the other.