Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Twin Towers

                                                         The Twin Towers

The magnificent Twin Towers of Trinidad and Tobago shadows the hustle and bustle of the many street dwellers of the capital city, Port of Spain. The twenty two (22) storyed structure houses the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Trinidad and Tobago. It has one of the finest architecture being earthquake resistant having been built on reclaimed land. The construction of the twin towers started in 1979 and was completed in 1986 and was crowned the tallest buildings in Trinidad. I remember when I was much younger what the Twin Towers meant to me. The Twin Towers were my landmark so I knew I was in the capital city Port of Spain, even today they remain my landmark. The Twin Towers although there has been construction of many more skyscrapers in Port of Spain, the Twin Towers still remain one of the most recognized buildings in the city.


  1. LIke the words you used to describe the twin towers! Great view of the twin towers.

  2. Nice perspective in the photo -- certainly not the usual angle.
